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Volunteering is an unpaid activity for the benefit of society carried out by a volunteer aged at least 14 years old, by means of an oral or written agreement. Volunteering contracts must only be concluded if the organisation reimburses the volunteer’s expenses or if at least one of the contracting parties so requests.

Principles of volunteering

Volunteering shall be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

Benefit to society and the individual – participation in volunteering enables individuals to make an active contribution to the well-being of society and promotes the volunteer’s personal expression and development;

Diversity and flexibility – volunteering can be carried out in a wide range of activities for the benefit of society. The organiser and the volunteer can agree on different forms and modalities of volunteering and can change them.

Collaborative – Volunteering is based on cooperation between volunteers and volunteer organisers to match the needs and opportunities of volunteers and volunteer organisers;

Requirements for the volunteer

Duties of the volunteer

Send your CV and cover letter to: